Literary myths of unpopular translation

Translated literature has a new hero in the form of Le French Book. Based in New York with the motto “if we love it, we’ll translate it”, they publish French translations, allowing readers from all over the world to enjoy the wide range of fiction currently being produced in France.

Rallying to the defence of translated fiction, they’ve recently put together a list dispelling the most common myths. We’ve summarised them here for your enjoyment. See if any of this sounds familiar!

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Speaking the right language to reach Londoners

Website admins and community outreach take note: even a first glance at the latest release of UK Census figures shows just how much of a global city London has become. (A more detailed blog looking at the picture across the UK will follow once we have crunched the numbers.)


The data released today reveals that in most parts of London over 100 languages are spoken Continue reading “Speaking the right language to reach Londoners”

I am a vegetarian! Multilingual phrase card

Our free phrase card for travelling vegetarians will help ensure a meat-free dinner by cutting through linguistic problems. And we have not forgotten vegans either!

International Translation Day 2012We are launching the card today in celebration of World Vegetarian Day. It translates a simple phrase for both vegetarians and vegans to use in restaurants or when staying in guesthouses or with a family. Simply show your host the card on your phone or tablet – or print it out and pack a copy.

Download the phrase card now

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Translating luxury brands into global success

Chinese website tranlsation: Rolls-Royce

The last month has seen more diamonds of economic news than there are in Cullinan mine. While British retail remains patchy, UK and other European companies selling “luxury” have done phenomenally well on the global stage. They have reaped dividends of promotion in emerging economies, especially in the Asia-Pacific region, targeting High Net Worth Individuals or those aspiring to perceived luxury.

Translation plays no small part in this global success: research has shown that the majority of consumers will only buy from websites with information presented in their language. This effect becomes more pronounced the higher the value of the product or service. (see Can’t Read, Won’t Buy: Why Language Matters, Common Sense Advisory)

A few news snippets illustrate the trend:
Continue reading “Translating luxury brands into global success”